
Kristal and Jonny Boy (SWE-Djura)

Montag, 7. Februar 2011
A tall, blond swedish pixie that sees herself more as a goblin sometimes. Her songs range from happy-naive to mystic-melancholic. Her musical philosophy and her individual expression combine acoustic singer-songwriter styles with electronic elements – always interspersed with the unexpected - alien noises, creative sound ideas and spontaneous vocal experiments. Some lyrics are a figment of poetic imagination, while some words draw a very realistic picture of her being, turning her inside out.
Kristina Hanses neither thinks, composes nor lives in just one direction, but in many directions and its extensions. Her songs have to find out for themselves if they are asking questions or searching for answers. Kristina Hanse shows her creative inner conflict and her free spirit not only in her music, but also through her whole artistic path.
She not only amazes as a musician but also with her superior skills in dancing. She performs the disturbing beauty of her contemporary dancing on stages all over Europe since 3 years. And this abstract power of contemporary dance comes to life in her music, too. Needless to say that her dancing, the movements and the physicalness are a strong inspiration for her songs. Each of them is always so much more than just music.
On stage Kristina is joined by Swedish guitarist JonnyBoy Eriksson. They call themselves "KRISTAL AND JONNY BOY".

Beginn: 21:00 Uhr


Pony Bar
Allende-Platz 1
Hamburg (Rotherbaum)

150m Grindelhof
450m Museum für Völkerkunde
450m Universität/Staatsbibliothek
550m Heinrich-Hertz-Turm
650m Bezirksamt Eimsbüttel
650m Bundesstraße
650m Parkallee

50m Drei Parkplätze bei "Allendeplatz 1"
150m Ein Parkplatz bei "Grindelallee 76"
150m Ein Parkplatz bei "Grindelhof 23"

Es führt 1 Stufe hoch, lt. Mitarbeiterin würde eine/r helfen. Innen eng für Rollstuhlfahrer.

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