
Galerie Oel-Früh

We do not just present art. We develop platforms, define context and cooperate. Founded 2005, after seven years with a fix address Galerie Oel-Früh became a wanderer. Connecting to different partners and locations. Because there are many art situations out there. And many people you reach when getting a bit closer. We love art, that appears honest and simple, but is complex in thought. For inquiries, please contact.



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200m Ein Parkplatz bei "Billhorner Mühlenweg 1"


Marckmannstraße 32
20539 Hamburg (Rothenburgsort)

HVV Stationen

250mBillhorner Mühlenweg
500mBillhorner Deich
500mBillhorner Röhrendamm
550mS Rothenburgsort
600mBillhorner Brückenstraße
600mHaus des KFZ-Gewerbes

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